
The biopharma industry explained

The new era of Medicine

For the first time in human history we have a technology able to fully restore cell functionality!
Biotechnology is the application of technology to the biological process.

We like to define biotechnology has a hidden revolution. For many people, it is easy to understand if one computer has more power than another, but it’s more difficult to grasp the difference between a monoclonal antibody and a telomerase inhibitor.

Biotechnology evolution.

Traditional biotechnology: use of existing organisms (for example bacteria)

Modern biotechnology: from the early 80s, the creation of genetically modified organisms for pharmaceutical purposes.

In 2000 a complete human genome was sequenced for the first time.

It was the beginning of a new era. Specific computers (microarrays) are used to understand how the genes work.

Nowadays, microarrays allow the researchers to make DNA analyses in real time, whereas in the past the same work required months.

This launched the era of Personalized Medicine: different drugs for the same disease based on an individual’s DNA profile.


Live healthier and longer with biotech.

350 million patients around the world are already benefitting from the direct use of biotech medicine to treat and prevent every day and chronic illnesses, including heart attacks, stroke, multiple sclerosis, breast cancer, cystic fibrosis, leukaemia, diabetes, hepatitis and other rare or infectious diseases.

Biotech products enable the development of therapies for rare diseases that are often debilitating and life threatening and that affect 20 to 30 million Europeans and their families.

Some examples of treatments that biopharma has developed:

  • RNA-based drugs,

  • CAR T-cell therapies

  • Monoclonal antibodies,

  • Genetic therapies,

  • Advanced solutions that repair organs, skin, bones and cartilage damage.

Biopharma is estimated to be worth for more than 20% of all marketed medicines.

In the next 5 years biotech will provide over 95% of newly created molecules!

Why do I have to invest in Biotech ?

Defensive Investment with high growth rates.

Strong Demand: Healthcare is the only sector with a strong demand and poor supply. Biotech medications have just started to fill the gaps

M&A opportunities: Old big pharmaceutical groups need to acquire biotech companies to improve their currently weak competitiveness. These companies need new molecules and their patents. The trend of M&A will not stop.

More and more partnerships are between big pharma and the smaller biotech companies developing new molecules

Strong pipeline: there have never been so many molecules in development (monoclonal antibodies, antisense, inhibitors…) 

High and increased levels of innovation in the biotech platforms (that create and develop the molecules)

Biotech is the sector with the highest rate of innovation